Boston Police Detectives Benevolent Society

  • Call us: (617) 325-3938
  • Mail US :
  • Call us: (617) 325-3938
  • Mail US :
  • 434 Hyde Park Avenue, Roslindale, MA 02131

  • Mon - Fri 9AM - 5PM

New Year’s Day
Martin Luther King, Jr. Day
Washington’s Birthday
Evacuation Day
Patriots’ Day
Memorial Day
Bunker Hill Day
Independence Day
Labor Day
Columbus Day
Veterans’ Day
Thanksgiving Day
Christmas Day

Or the following Monday, if any day aforesaid falls on Sunday. “Holiday” is the twenty-four (240 hour period commencing at 8:00 am of each day listed.

If an employee is absent on account of illness (other than paid leave) on a holiday which a scheduled workday, or if an employee is absent on account of illness both on this scheduled tour of duty immediately subsequent to a holiday which falls on a scheduled day off, or if an employee is granted permission to take an unscheduled day off on a holiday which is a scheduled workday, such employee shall be paid for the regular work day but shall not receive additional compensation for such holiday.